Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gettin' Freaky

Hello everyone it has been a while since my last blog post, something that is definitely going to change. I am dedicating this post to the freakin' raddest group of people I know.
If you live in Wilmington, NC and ever seen a bearded fella on a bike with a dog wearing a windbreaker chillin' in the basket or if your palm has ever been caressed by one of their brilliant innovations in coozie technology then you know who I am talking about. Yeah thats right The Freaker Team. A name that will be soon known around the world.
I met Zach, the Freaker founder, soon after I moved to downtown Wilmington and instantly became friends. Which I think happens to everyone who has ever had the pleasure of making his acquaintance. I remember the first time he introduced me to the Freaker, I knew right then he was on to something big. The Freaker is one of those things you kick yourself for not thinking of yourself because it just makes sense. From its cool designs to its one size fits all elasticity and the way it keeps your hands warm and dry. Freakers really do live up to their motto "making you and your beverage cooler."
In attempt to get a Freaker into everyones hands Zach and his amazing team have made a page where you can pledge money to help make their dreams a reallity. In return for your loving pledge you will be rewarded by many levels of swag and the knowledge that you helped some amazing people.
To show how dedicated they are to eliminating all cold handshakes Freaker USA is selling Freakers for only $1 on their Kickstarter page here. Go there watch the videos and get your freak on.

Also for any other media outlets that want to pass on the dream here is a link to the Freaker press kit.

Keep it Freaky.